SCCOE Student Resources

Write to Us

Help and support other students

If you have some experiences to share about student support or about your experiences as an online student, you can contact us. There are always difficulties that online students face, and if you have overcome these, sharing them with the world can help others to overcome them as well.

Share your experiences with professionals and other students

It doesn’t matter if you had some awful experiences, as this is often the case while in the process of studying. Writing to us about these issues can help remote students feel less isolated, and it creates a feeling of belonging.

Communication is an extremely important part of learning. Students are encouraged to communicate with the relevant support department regularly to maintain a positive state of mind. You can ask questions about challenging topics, share resources about the course content, clarify information, and much more.

If you are an active student online, you should still be part of a study group. Being part of an energetic team online can be both rewarding and challenging. It is essential to maintain open and active communication with your study group. You can write to us about your own study group and what you do to keep yourself focused and organized during group sessions.

Online support and communication channels often make it much easier to reach out to an expert. These individuals are well-trained professionals that are there to help you. They can assist you with whatever challenges you may be facing. There is no reason to be concerned about what someone may think or do with the stories you share.

Keep your eyes on the prize

As you slowly progress through your studies and keep communication channels open, you could learn to cope with your own challenges better. Writing to us can be like keeping a diary of your journey and remember that there may always be someone out there who may be inspired by your journey.